Resources can often be tight for small-to medium-sized enterprises - there are usually less people with more to do, and efficiency is key. SME leaders must look at every aspect of their operation to work out the best possible ways to run everything - from their communications systems to their payroll.
But while disruptive technologies and changing conditions in the market can place stress on firms, there are also new tools being added to the SME's toolkit all the time that can facilitate growth, and generally make for an easier life. Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is one of these.
Here is a list of 3 great reasons why implementing a VoIP unified communications system will ensure your business can operate at the highest possible level.
1. The cloud as storage
While a hosted PBX solution isn't the only way to utilise a VoIP solution, it does offer all of the benefits the bigger players get. Hosted PBX works by hosting a phone service on external servers and using a local internet connection. A hosted cloud VoIP solution eliminates the responsibility of owning, establishing and maintaining sometimes difficult hardware and software, opening small businesses up to look after other aspects of their operations.
According to a recent white paper 'Sharpening the Small Business Competitive Edge' by IDC, 29.1 per cent of SME respondents surveyed cited the ability to "add new users without difficulty" as a top 5 reason for adopting cloud storage and operational solutions into their company.
2. Savings
Your company will never install new phone lines again, as VoIP systems allow for a much easier expansion - saving time, money and resources. However, if your firm needs to keep traditional phone lines around, the hybrid deployment of both traditional and VoIP is a cost effective solution.
Additionally, if your company is moving away from needing more phone lines, it is also more economical and easier to remove lines as needed.
3. Stay competitive
Legacy phone systems can hold companies back, limiting their performance and increasing their expenses. The design of Fonality's hosted PBX is geared specifically towards businesses with five or more employees - not large firms. This design specificity means that the features within Fonality's unified communications solution are exactly what small business nee, and will use on a daily basis.
No matter the size of your business, Fonality can help you to simplify the way you manage your phone solution. For more information, don't hesitate to get in touch today.