The communications stategies of Australian business have changed a lot in recent years, with Mobile Unified Communications (UC) becoming increasingly important. Integrating traditional telephony services with mobile devices offers users access to the best of both worlds - reliable phone network connections and intuitive online communication tools.
Two factors are set to transform mobile UC over the next few years. The first is the rapid change that will be brought about by Australia's national switch to a 5G network. Secondly, the evolution into mass mobile use brought about by an increasing number of mobile-savvy millennials in the workforce will come into effect. So how will these change how mobile UC looks in 2020?
The mobile millennialMillennials are the first generation to become native with digital technology, and mobile smart devices have increasingly blurred the lines between work done in a single location and on the go, researchers Haworth found. A Randstad report backed this, claiming half of Australian workers are expected to be available outside work hours.
Using mobile UC as a primary communications strategy for your business will be increasingly important in coming years as millennials become the main face of the workforce - and upgrading to a 5G phone network will make these changes even more substantial.
Working is going increasingly mobile - which suits millennials.
Why will mobile UC be improved by the 5G network?
The 5G network, set to be rolled out nationwide over the next five years, marks an impressive upgrade from the 4G network. The new network will boast data hot spot rates of 1 Gbps and speeds up to ten times faster than its previous incarnation as of a Department of Communications and Arts report. Expansive 5G will rapidly change how mobile UC can be used, improving features like:
- Better voice and video collaboration and communications using online platforms. The 4G network was prone to occasional signal black spots - the upgraded network will ensure communications on the go is always flawless.
- A more robust 5G network will enable UC strategies to make better use of Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality technologies, to make the communications experience within your business and with your customers richer.
- Integration with the Internet of Things will be more feasible on a stronger network connection - soon, mobile UC will refer linking your smart devices on the go with a number of internet enabled tools in multiple locations, making working easier than ever.
This new network will affect the mobile use of Australian millennial workers hugely, playing into their hands in a greater pursuit of communications and working on the move. For more information about mobile UC from business communications experts, contact the Fonality team today.