It would appear that the impact of digital disruption on business is simply a matter of perspective. Bentley's 2016 survey on digital disruption in Australian small- to medium-sized businesses found there was an almost even split whether businesses viewed digital disruption as an opportunity (25 per cent) or a threat (29 per cent).
Digital disruption is nothing new, and how these technologies are received by business is dependent on attitude and more importantly, education.
For those who look at disruption as a dark cloud on the horizon, new tech needn't signify a rainy day. By embracing current technologies such as unified communications and cloud computing, you better position yourself to take advantage of the disruptive technologies of the future.

With understanding come acceptance
New tech has the potential to rewrite social and economic norms almost overnight, so it's understandable they can pose significant worry. However, speaking to Dynamic Business, Michael Ruggiero, managing partner of Bentley's, believes the divide between SMEs who consider digital disruption a threat towards their business and those who don't comes down to a lack of understanding and engagement of new technologies:
"The ones who see it as threat are worried it will disrupt their traditional way of approaching their business – essentially upsetting the apple cart. However, when integrated properly, digital technologies should create efficiencies that not only improve the bottom line but free up time for business owners to spend on more important activities such as deepening customer relationships and gathering data that creates more meaningful client interactions or better products and services," he said.
Take business phone systems for example. By unifying call, email and VoIP, you gain better insight into your customer base, and retain higher productivity via a single communication platform.
We are in the midst of seeing mobile, cloud, social and web based communications changing the playing field.
Current disrupters and future waves
Australia is already undergoing waves of digital disruption that are transforming businesses. We are in the midst of seeing mobile, cloud, social and web based communications changing the playing field, according to Deloitte's 2016 Digital Pulse survey.
Yet, the disruptive technology of today will inevitably give way to the disruptive technologies of the future. Deloitte suggests that the likes of artificial intelligence, wearables, Internet of Things and drones all have the potential to dramatically change the face of Australian industry.
By embracing the disruptive technologies of today, you're better prepared to face their emergence in the future. To find out more, get in touch with the team at Fonality today.