Fonality Blog | VoIP, Unified Communications, and Business Tips

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Improve your organisation's internal and external collaboration with a unified communications platform.

While they aren't tangible key performance indicators (KPIs), internal and external communication can have a great - or devastating - impact on certain components of a company, like productivity and sales.

In this modern age there are more solutions for improving collaboration and customer service than organisations know what to do with. But to scale improved communication across the entire company, a tool must provide a platform with a considerable effect. A unified communications platform coupled with sweeping organisational changes can revolutionise a company's performance.

Start internally

Improving collaboration and communication among your employees is vital not only to the culture of the business, but it's the first step in providing better customer support and increasing sales volume - every enterprise's main objectives.

Give employees the tools they need to improve internal collaboration.Give employees the tools they need to improve internal collaboration.

With the workforce getting younger each passing year, it's time to start adopting new technologies. Video conferencing, screen sharing and mobile accessibility are all must-haves in this day and age. Once you have the right tools in place you can then start to implement cultural changes like:

  • More effective horizontal collaboration.
  • Weekly or monthly meetings to track KPIs in relation to new initiative or solution rollouts.
  • Internal programs designed to help employees learn key skills, like project management.
  • Corporate intranet.

Of course, it's incredibly important to house the various applications that make it easier for cross-departmental employees to interact in one digital location. Deploying a unified communications platform that integrates key tools like video conferencing and screen sharing can make staying on the same page that much simpler.

Expand externally

After deploying a platform that facilitates the simple sharing of information internally, your employees will be better prepared to translate that into external success. There are two key components to improving conversion rates and the overall appeal of your company in a customer's eye: Being able to provide quick answers, and having multiple ways to seamlessly communicate with representatives.

The benefits of a unified communications platform extends to client interaction.

An effective unified communications platform will allow staff members to back-channel to troubleshoot questions with ease. While they're on the phone with a customer and are faced with a difficult question, they should be able to find out if a co-worker that has the answer is available, and seamlessly drag-and-drop the call.

Similarly, unified communications platforms often allow for mobile use of its applications, meaning sales representatives can always take a call or read an email, even if they aren't at their desk. This provides assurance that when a client picks up the phone, your staff will answer.

Interested in learning how unified communications can improve your organisation's internal and external collaboration? Contact a Fonality representative today.